Donald Frugé

Donald Frugé
Executive Director, US

Donald specializes in the growth and development of early to mid-stage companies, including startups in the Life Sciences, Healthcare, and Law. His expertise spans from government contracting to global business development. He has over 25 years of operations and executive management experience. He has successfully developed three healthcare delivery companies and a global intellectual property law firm dedicated to the advancement of life sciences therapeutics and medical devices.

While in Washington D.C., Donald developed two privately held companies that worked exclusively with the United States Government. For over 14 years, he worked in partnership with multiple VA Medical Centers across the U.S. assuring federal contract compliance, clinical operations standards, and health information security. As co-founder of Valor Healthcare and Senior Vice President of MedMark Services, he was responsible for the startup and operations of 28 outpatient and behavioral health clinics.

Prior to Valor Healthcare, he served as a consultant to the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System in primary and ambulatory care. In this capacity, he reorganized the primary care services provided in hospital and community-based clinics located throughout the region, and developed a system to provide reporting and analysis of VA performance measures to achieve superior population health management

Donald earned his Master of Public Health from A.T. Still University and his Bachelor of Science in Finance from Louisiana State University.

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