Jonathan Pollack

Jonathan Pollack
B.Eng. (EE)
Patent Agent

Jonathan specializes in patent drafting, prosecution, and opinion work in primarily the electrical, computer, telecommunications, and mechanical disciplines. He enjoys helping his clients navigate the global patent system and works closely with them to develop practical patent strategies for their businesses.

Jonathan’s technical background includes the fields of telecommunications, software systems, and semiconductor memory architectures. He has acquired extensive experience in drafting patent applications relating specifically to wireless communications, networking infrastructures, SRAM memory, video signal processing, Internet-based software systems, AI, e-commerce, and medical devices. He has further experience in the field of cryptography.

Prior to entering the patent profession, Jonathan worked for a multinational automotive company in test engineering. Outside of the office, Jonathan enjoys taking his dog to the park, playing sports, and cooking on his Big Green Egg.


B.Eng., Electrical Engineering, McGill University


College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA)
Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC)
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
International Trademark Association (INTA)


Author, “Double Patenting in Canada,” Dickinson Wright IP Blog, February 2024
Author of “Further proposed changes to the Canadian Patent Rules: Just when you thought it was over…”, September 17, 2021;
Co-Presenter “Patent Eligibility of Software Inventions and Diagnostic Methods in Canada”, January 26, 2021;
Quoted in “Canadian Intellectual Property Office issues new guidelines for reviewing patent applications,” Canadian Lawyer, December 8, 2020;
Co-Author of “CIPO’s Patentable Subject-Matter Guidance – same code, different syntax”, November 4, 2020;
Co-Author of “Artificial Intelligence fuels TikTok’s popularity; but could that very asset prevent its sale?”, September 15, 2020;
Co-Presenter “Taking Due Care: Managing Clients and Maintenance Fees Under the New Patent Act”, April 8, 2020, IPIC;
Author of “Put a Patent On It?” Financial Post Business, April 3, 2007;
Co-author of a paper titled “Software and Business Method Patents: What Canadian Businesses Should Be Doing to Protect Themselves in a Changing Legal Environment,” which was presented at NETLAW 2004 on March 25, 2004.

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