Stephen Perry

Photograph of Stephen Perry, a registered patent agent and founder of PCK Intellectual Property
BSEE, P.Eng.
Patent Agent
+1-416-920-8170 Ext. 107

Stephen Perry is viewed as one of Canada’s leading patent agents. He is co-author (with Andrew Currier) of Canadian Patent Law (LexisNexis, 2012; Second Edition, 2014; Third Edition, 2018; Fourth Edition, 2021; Fifth Edition, 2024), the first text on the subject by patent prosecutors in over 30 years when published in 2012. The first edition of this book was cited by the Supreme Court of Canada as the basis for its decision in Teva Canada Ltd. v. Pfizer Canada Inc. ([2012] S.C.J. No. 60, 2012 SCC 60). In 2022, the fourth edition was cited repeatedly by the Supreme Court of Canada in Nova Chemicals Corp. v. Dow Chemical Co. ([2022] SCC 43). Stephen started in the field of IP in 1983 and qualified as a patent agent before the U.S. and Canadian patent offices in 1985. His practice is focused on developing and managing international IP portfolios for Canadian technology companies of every size, covering a broad range of innovations in the fields of telecommunications, electronics, software, display technology, medical imaging and medical devices.

Stephen is active as an advisor and commentator on both Canadian and international patent and industrial design issues. He has served on Council of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) and the Canadian section of Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI), and has chaired or currently serves on various committees of both organizations, including the committees involved in development of the IPIC Code of Conduct and advancing proposals for professional self-regulation. Stephen is also frequently called upon to contribute his insight and views to government agencies and committees on policy and legislative matters affecting intellectual property.

Stephen frequently mentors patent agent trainees and those newly entering the field. A prolific author and speaker, Stephen has published an extensive series of articles on patent and industrial design issues and contributes to the Patent and Industrial Design practice areas covered by Lexis Practice Advisor® Canada. He lectures frequently on software patents and industrial design issues, and participates regularly in international conferences and seminars.


Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering, Queen’s University


J. Edward Maybee Memorial Award, Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, for the highest overall standing in the Canadian Patent Agents Qualifying Examination, 1985


College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA)
Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC)
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI)
Professional Engineers of Ontario


Member of Council, IPIC
Chair, Industrial Design Committee (IPIC)
Member, Computer-Related Technologies Committee (IPIC)
Member, Patent Law Harmonization Committee (IPIC)
Member, Self Governance Committee (IPIC)
Tutor, Patent Agent Tutorials (IPIC)
Member, Canadian Patent Agents Examining Board (IPIC)
Chair, Toronto Intellectual Property Group (TIPG)
Member, CET Group 2 – Designs (FICPI)
Member of Council, FICPI Canada


ICLG, The International Comparative Legal Guide to Patents 2016, 6th Edition, 2015: Canada Chapter – Co-author with Peter Bormann
Canadian Patent Law, LexisNexis Canada, 2012, Second Edition 2014, Third Edition 2018, Fourth Edition 2021, Fifth Edition 2024 – Co-author with T. Andrew Currier
Canadian Forms & Precedents – Intellectual Property, LexisNexis Canada
Co-author with the Honorable Mr. Justice Roger T. Hughes and Dino Clarizio, chapter on patents
Co-author with the Honorable Mr. Justice Roger T. Hughes, chapter on industrial design
Canadian Intellectual Property Office Grapples with Business Method Patents – Co-author with Arya Ghadimi and T. Andrew Currier
IPO’s International Patent Committee Newsletter. September 2013
Cross-Border Management of Intellectual Property, Co-author with Stephen M. Lane, Intellectual Property Summit 2002, Toronto, January 2002
Protection for Functional Articles: The Canadian Perspective, Canadian Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 14. No. 1 at pp. 231 – 242, September 1997
Computer Software Related Patents in Canada, Co-author with Donald M. Cameron, The Computer Lawyer (Prentice Hall Law & Business), Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 8 – 12, April 1990
Re-Examination Provisions under the New Patent Act, Business & the Law (Richard De Boo Publishers), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 37 – 38, May 1989


York University, Osgoode Hall Law School, Guest Lecturer, Patent Law, October, 2018
York University, Osgoode Hall Law School, IP Intensive Program, 2017 & 2018
AIPLA Electronic and Computer Patent Law Summit, June, 2017
Toronto Intellectual Property Group (TIPG), Patenting Software Around the World – US, Canadian and European Perspectives, with Richard Bauer and Markus Hossle, 2014
FICPI ABC Master Class in IP Strategy, Can Patent Drafting Style Affect Rights? with Mercedes Meyer and Fiona Stevens, 2014
The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy (CIPP), McGill Faculty of Law, October 16, 2013
Whither Patents? Musings on the Bargain Theory of Patents
FICPI ABC Meeting, Industrial Design Law in Canada – Finally Some Clarifications! with Jennifer Jannuska, 2013
AIPPI Canada, Claim Drafting Challenges – Sound Prediction, with Patricia Folkins and John Orange, 2012
IPIC/McGill Intellectual Property Summer Program, Industrial Designs, 2012
FICPI 13th Open Forum, Business Software and Office Systems – How to Run an IP Practice Efficiently in the E-Age, 2011
FICPI 10th Open Forum, Paper Less v. Less Paper – How to Be or Not to Be, 2007
Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), Zombies in the Amazon Jungle – (Yet Another) Update on Software and Business Method Patents, with T. Andrew Currier, February 16, 2002


Invited to participate in the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) technical review of a pre-consultation draft of the Patent Rules. 2017
Appeared on behalf of IPIC before the Senate Banking Committee and the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology concerning patent and industrial design provisions of Bill-C43 (Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No. 2), November, 2014
Nominated by FICPI to participate in the IP Modernization initiative launched by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), 2013
Appeared before Senate Banking Committee on behalf of IPIC concerning impact of the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on industrial design law in Canada, May, 2012
Invited by the Attorney General of Ontario to appear before legislative committee reviewing proposed amendments to the Law Society Act, 2006

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